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File extension Details of BSM, BUN, BUN, BWP, WICSAVEGAME, C4D, CAD, CAM, CAR

File Type:Bioshock map
Category:Game file
File Description:Map file used in Bioshock game
Open Programs:


Company / developer:
  2K Games

BioShock is the "genetically enhanced" first person shooter that lets you do things never before possible in the genre: turn everything into a weapon, biologically mod your body with plasmids, hack devices and systems, upgrade your weapons and craft new ammo variants, and experiment with different battle techniques in an incredible and unique underwater city.

You are a cast-away in Rapture, an underwater Utopia torn apart by civil war. Caught between powerful forces, and hunted down by genetically modified “splicers” and deadly security systems, you have to come to grips with a deadly, mysterious world filled with powerful technology and fascinating characters. No encounter ever plays out the same, and no two gamers will play the game the same way.

BioShock is loaded with some of greatest, most modifiable weapons to ever blast their way into a shooter. But guns alone won’t be enough to defeat the devious AIs of Rapture. There are literally hundreds of other strategies players can use to take out his enemies. Here’s just a few things you can do a foe:
  • Catch his Grenades in Mid Air and Toss Them Back at Him
  • Freeze Him Solid and Shatter Him with Smack of your Wrench
  • Lead him and his comrades to water and Zap them all with 1000 Volts
  • Burn Him Up With Home-Made Molotov Cocktails
  • Booby Trap Healing Machines and Watch Them Blow up IN his Face
  • Brainwash Him to Become Your Personal BodyGuard
  • Invent your own Ammo Types to Prey on his Vulnerabilities
  • Turn his own Security System Against Him
  • Light Him on Fire and Launch Heat Seeking Missiles At him
  • Torment Him with Plagues of Insects
  • Take Research Photos of Him to Learn his Weaknesses
  • Send Him Flying into the Ceiling to Knock him Senseless

No encounter ever plays out the same way twice. No two gamers will ever play BioShock the same way.

File Type:Monkey Island 3 game archive
Category:Game file
File Description:Archive format used in PC Game - Monkey Island 3.
Open Programs:

Monkey Island 3

Company / developer:

Monkey Island is the collective name given to a series of four graphical adventure games produced and published by LucasArts, originally known as LucasFilm Games through the development of the first two games in the series. The games follow the misadventures of the hapless Guybrush Threepwood as he struggles to become the most notorious pirate in the Caribbean, defeat the plans of the evil undead pirate LeChuck and win the heart of governor Elaine Marley. Each game's plot usually involves the mysterious Monkey Island and its impenetrable secrets. The games were created as a collaborative effort between Ron Gilbert, Tim Schafer and Dave Grossman. Gilbert worked on the first two games before leaving LucasArts. Grossman and Schafer, who also worked on the first two games, would enjoy success on other titles before both of them also left. The rights to Monkey Island remained with LucasArts, and the third and fourth games were created without the input of the original writing crew.
File Type:Need for Speed Undercover game file
Category:Game file
File Description:File extension is used by computer game Need for Speed Undercover. File is stored in /tracks/ directory.
Open Programs:

Need for Speed Underover

Company / developer:
  Electronic Arts Inc.

Need for Speed Undercover

You never thought it would turn out like this, an all-out chase where you're both the hunted and the hunter. Now you must get behind the wheel and risk everything to infiltrate a ruthless international crime syndicate and take them down. The man you're after is a maniac behind the wheel, and he's driving like his life depends on escape, which maybe it does. He's the one with all the answers you need, so track him down. That fleet of police cruisers in your rear view mirror won't make things any easier. It will take all of your experience and every ounce of skill to outrun the law, take down the enemy, and unlock the truth that puts an end to this chase once and for all.

File Type:Painkiller Overdose game file
Category:Game file
File Description:File extension is used by computer game Painkiller Overdose.
Open Programs:

Painkiller Overdose

Company / developer:
  Mindware Studios, s.r.o.

Painkiller Overdose

Delve into this sequel to the highly successful shoot-out game Painkiller, subtitled Overdose. Belial, descendant of an angel and demon, had long been imprisoned by Lucifer, who wants to abuse his unique abilities, namely the capacity to travel between different dimensions. Lucifer’s endeavours to subjugate Belial´s willpower fail, and nobody should be surprised to see Belial succeed in escaping from Lucifer´s prison, after which genuine hell is let loose on Earth.

Painkiller Overdose offers exactly what you cannot find in other “shoot-´em-all“ games. Action-packed and fast-moving plot, variegated and constantly changing settings, plus an unusual arsenal of weapons and, naturally, also a great number of various enemies that seem to come directly out of a madman’s mind. We have retained everything you liked so much in the original Painkiller, adding many novelties. So do not hesitate. Somewhere down in hell there is somebody waiting for you to come and give him a kick in the pants.

File Type:World in Conflict saved game file
Category:Game file
File Description:File extension used by World in Conflict game for saved games.
Open Programs:

World in Conflict

Company / developer:
  Massive Entertainment AB

World in Conflict is set in an alternate-history version of 1989. Instead of the Berlin Wall falling and communism collapsing, the Soviet Union launches an assault on Western Europe, and the United States rushes its forces in to aid its Western allies. Four months into the conflict, after the US Navy has been attrited down, the USSR launches a surprise invasion in Seattle and pushes inland. In the 14-mission single-player campaign, you play as a company commander who is part of the meager US defense; there is no campaign from the Soviet perspective, though you can play as the Red Army in multiplayer. However, the campaign twists and weaves, letting you experience a sample of the European conflict, battle in remote areas of the Soviet Union, and bring the fight to New York City.

File Type:Game object definition
Category:Game file
File Description:File extension is used by Clonk.
Clonk is a highly versatile multiplayer game of strategy, action, skill, and endless fun.
Open Programs:


Company / developer:
  RedWolf Design GmbH


Clonk is an entertaining, action-packed game of strategy, tactics, and skill. It can be played by a single player, with up to four players on one computer, or any number of players in local networks or via internet.
The game is played in realtime rounds in which each player controls his hardy crew of clonks in order to either mine resources and build up a base or eliminate the opponent's crew.
Run-time generated or predefined landscapes feature everything from hills, mountains, lakes, deserts, arctic wastelands to volcanic rocks, islands floating in mid-air or suboceanic terrain. This guarantees a neverending variety of scenarios.
Experience changing weather conditions with rain, snow, thunderstorms, as well as tectonics and hectic animal activity. A unique physics engine allows rain, flowing water, crumbling earth, snow drifts, lakes of lava...

File Type:Inago Rage compact arena definition file
Category:Game file
File Description:File extension is used by Inago Rage. Arena definition file.
Open Programs:

Inago Rage

Company / developer:
  Dejobaan Games

Bound from rooftop to rooftop to outpace the enemy. Climb towers and leap into the sky to make your assault. Fight swarms of mechanized monsters through 50 levels of frenetic first-person action for Windows.

File Type:Abe's Oddysee background file
Category:Game file
File Description:File extension used by Abe's Oddysee computer game.
Open Programs:

Abe's Oddysee

Company / developer:
  Oddworld Inhabitants

Abe's Oddysee

Selected by the fickle finger of fate, Abe, floor-waxer first class for RuptureFarms, was catapulted into a life of adventure when he overheard plans by his boss, Molluck the Glukkonª, to turn Abe and his fellow Mudokons into Tasty Treats as part of a last-ditch effort to rescue Molluck's failing meat-packing empire.

During his escape from RuptureFarms, Abe received a vision from the mysterious Big Face, showing Abe that he must not only rescue his fellow Mudokons, but also protect all of Oddworld's creatures from the predatory Magog Cartel.

After completing arduous Temple trials, and journeying across a wasteland with his faithful Elum, Abe was granted the awesome power of the Shrykull. Returning to RuptureFarms, Abe destroyed the foul slaughterhouse, rescued his buddies, and brought down some righteous lightning on top of Molluck's pointy head.

File Type:Carnivores Ice Age resource file
Category:Game file
File Description:File extension used by computer game Carnivores Ice Age.
Open Programs:

Carnivores Ice Age

Company / developer:
  Action Forms Ltd.

In Carnivores Ice Age you begin your adventure on a chilling journey through the prehistoric Ice Age world. During your excursion you'll battle massive woolly mammoths dangerous sabertooth tigers wild boars and a deadly creature that will kill anything that moves. Utilize your full cache of weapons and equipment as you begin your icy hunt.

File Type:Viper Racing car description file
Category:Game file
File Description:File extension used by Viper Racing.
Open Programs:

Viper Racing

Company / developer:
  Sierra Entertainment, Inc.

Download Now: Windows Error Repair Tool

**SmartPCFixer will repair Windows Error and registry data errors on your PC